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MSME Consulting

Amidst the high rate of MSMEs failure globally, we provide the required structures, tools, systems, environment and support that improves start-ups’ success rate and build sustainable MSMEs.

We are your trusted ally

We help businesses to succeed and grow faster.

In the face of a rapidly changing and increasingly complex business environment, a business must frequently and continuously think strategically, make smart decisions, form great alliances, optimise resources, adopt efficient processes and offer the best products to the right people in order to succeed or stay afloat. This is only possible if the company has access to the right skills and apply relevant technologies where necessary.
We employ our array of skills and tools to assist businesses to overcome these hurdles and reach their goals faster and more efficiently. 
how we can help

We’ll ensure that you focus on the opportunities

End-to-end programs.

Take advantage of our Startup Development program or Enterprise Development program to launch your new business or transform your existing business into a global enterprise. 


Turning a great idea into an entyerprise is a daunting task that no one should ever go it alone. We provide clients with the neccessary resources and support needed to turn an idea into a thriving enterprise.

MSME Development

So, you already have a small business you are operating? Great! We can help you organise and grow it into something big so that you can make more money, earn more profits, employ more people and compete in the global economy.


The path to business success in today's market environment is innovation and it is driven mostly by technology. We partner with our clients to integrate and leverage on technologies across business units to gain market share, improve profitability and assert overall competitiveness.


What if you could do what you do better, faster, smarter and cheaper? We can assist you in creating a robust, end-to-end program to revamp your business processes and ensure that you concentrate on opportunities that optimize competitive advantage and deepen the link between operations and strategy.


To remain competitive in today’s fast-changing business environment, companies need to think fast and stay agile. With experience across the value chain, our team helps clients to create strategies that work in the real world.

Marketing and Sales

Marketing and sales operations are critical to an organization's success or failure. Our team assists clients in creating more tailored experiences by relying on data, agile methods, and a test-and-learn culture.


The best organization models deliver agility, speed, cost-efficiency, and resilience. We collaborate with you to prepare your company for the future by implementing innovative ideas, organizational models, and tools that place the power of organizational transformation in the hands of your leaders.

Human Resource

Every successful organization relies on its people. Our team will make sure that you have the right people in the right numbers at the right places at all times. This will make your company stronger, more agile, more innovative, and better equipped to respond to a fast-changing business environment.


In today’s dynamic and highly competitive business environment, companies are under immense pressure to increase shareholder value and improve capital efficiency. Our team of experienced experts cutting across Transaction Services, Corporate Finance services, Assurance services and Deals helps businesses to manage and grow their wealth.

Case Study

A tiny agro-processing idea is now a medium-size company exporting its products.

When the client walked into our office, they had a simple idea about adding value to particular agro produce. With our assistance, this idea was researched, refined and organized into a successful business that is currently blazing the trail in its industry.

Mr Henry

What can we help you overcome?

We help companies stay ahead in a rapidly changing world.

Client results

0 +
Completed operations programs
0 x
Realized return on fees
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